Saturday, August 6, 2011

Acing the Open House: Have a game plan

Today's 'Getting Started' in the New York Times focuses on Acing the Open House.   The article considers an open house as a great information gathering opportunity to complement online searches.  Some of the tips from the article include:
  • Have a game plan
  • Explore available styles/features
  • Picture yourself living in a space
  • Learn more about a building
The article offers several great tips for what to do during an open house. But, it didn't give as many tips on creating a game plan before the open house.  A good game plan makes for savvy buyers & sellers.  So, that got me thinking about what makes a good game plan - and what tips on creating a game plan I can share.  

The process of creating a game plan helps to make the most of a time investment in attending open houses.  So, my best tip is a simple one:  When planning to visit open houses, take just a moment to clarify which aspect of the real estate market is to be explored, such as:
  • Available apartments in a neighborhood
  • Popular styles and features
  • Current asking prices
  • Similar or convenient neighborhoods
  • Different living spaces
Once this goal is established, finishing the game plan is straightforward.  First, pick out open houses for interesting properties.  Next, organize the visiting schedule.  Finally, determine where to focus attention during each open house.  (Refer back to the article for some good pointers here - from considering the style & features; to imagining life in the space; to understanding building financials.)  

Here are my tips to help make the open tour go smoothly or to get the most of each visit:

  • Consider both proximity and open house times when planning a route.  
  • Schedule is 15 minutes per open house and 15 minutes transit.  (Consider time a beverage/snack stop along the way too.)
  • Try to confirm the open house schedules in the morning of the visit.
  • Remember to take along the addresses, the apartment numbers, and the mobile phone number for the agents hosting the open houses.
  • Identify 2 or 3 properties to visit time permitting - sometimes open house plans change.
  • Don't rely solely on memory to recall the features of each properties visited, bring a pen.

Don't forget - Whether casually exploring a neighborhood or actively searching for the perfect property, a buyer's agent can be a great resource!  

Find the full article on the NY Times site:

Published: August 5, 2011
For first-time buyers, open houses can also be overwhelming, so it is critical to have a game plan

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